Friday, December 13, 2019

Final Reply to: Gun Violence: What do I care about it?

In response to Doan Nguyen’s, Gun Violence: What do I care about it? I agree with you that America is facing an increasing number of mass shootings. We hear about mass shootings and school shootings on a daily basis. It’s unfortunate that this has become a norm when tuning in to the news today. I totally get that you would like to ban guns altogether. However, realistically that will never happen. All guns could be banned tomorrow but that will not stop people from getting their hands on them. Assault weapons and semi-automatic weapons are banned but nonetheless, a teenager was able to secure more than one of these weapons in addition to, hundreds and hundreds of rounds of ammunition before going out and shooting up his high school classmates and teachers. So no matter if all the weapons were banned, there will be someone, somewhere willing and capable of getting, smuggling, and selling them to someone else. Some other people with no morals, ethics, or remorse, willing to shoot and kill anyone.
A person does have the right (a choice) to protect his home and family by bearing arms. However, it is the criminals, psychos, mentally disturbed that do not have any business with a firearm. But they know where to go to purchase one. There will always be dishonest, inhumane, psycho individuals that have no regard for other human beings. Guns will remain a choice for many. This is reality.  
Until the law and people change, guns will remain a choice for many. We should take care when leaving our homes, going shopping or anywhere. Be cautious of our surroundings and be cautious of other people. Don’t take freedom to go and come as you please for granted. There are so many souls that are pleading and begging for freedom to return to their homes and families. So many lives destroyed by evil, mean, violent, vicious individuals. Taking away at gunpoint to a place so dark it’s impossible to think of nothing else. I wish for their safety and pray for those that have succumbed to gun violence. I also wish that we lived in a society that everyone loved and respected one another and violence and guns were in-existent. Perhaps if gun manufacturers cease to manufacture guns perhaps guns will eventually cease to exist. But again is that being realistic?!

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Part 3: How Do We Fix a flawed justice system?

Part 3: How do we fix a flawed justice system?

Corruption is inevitable when there are so many dishonest people in the world. Society does not believe or trust the government. Citizens do not trust the police. America does not trust the government or the White House Administration. These feelings are evident based on repeated offenses of the accused. How can we trust the leader of the United States, when he violates the laws, lies, and is selfish in his own government? The system is flawed because we allow it to be flawed. We as citizens need to be vigilant in cleaning up this system. We need to come together and clean up the corruption and disparities of the system.

The flawed system that plagues our nation has to be acknowledged, accountable, removed, punished, and prevented. We are constantly looking from the outside into the fogged windows of the system. We are overwhelmed and feel helpless at the idea that we can make a change. However, this system can be transformed into a better, trustworthy, system of justice. There are several factors that can help fix this corrupt and flawed system. First, are law and accountability. We make those individuals accountable for their dishonesty and corruption. We then apply the law to their offenses, whether it’s lying, cheating, accepting bribes, perjury; misdemeanors, to felonies we implement the maximum punishment with hefty fines. Second, is there must be diligence and consistency withholding those individuals accountable. If the public official, lawyer, police, judge, doctor, anyone commits the crime they must be punished. Punished to the fullest extent of the law. Interest Groups can be formed. Delegates can help with the movement’s processes to make sure the law and justice are upheld. When judges, police officers, politicians, and others in the legal system start being held accountable, convicted, and punished by prison time and fines they will not constrain to their crimes.  These actions will prove to society that the system is improving. These actions will also lead to a decrease in corruption and dishonesty. Ultimately, proving to America that our justice system is trustworthy, safe, ethical, and a system of  Justice.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Trump Lies

In response to JihanBack (GiGi’s) commentary of “Trump Lies” I totally agree with you that the real issue is Demographic changes! Statistically, the Hispanic population will overrule this country’s population in the near future. Census Bureau’s projections show that the Hispanic population is expected to grow by 86% between 2015 and 2050. These statistics terrifies those in political power because they do not want to lose their supremacy. Trump’s comments that a wall on the Mexico Border is necessary to stop “Drugs, Human Trafficking, Gang Members & Criminals are exaggerated and lies. He, along with other single-minded individuals feel that all the immigrants that come here are of one or more of the aforementioned criminal stereotypes. Whereas, in actuality only a small percentage are criminals. The majority are women, children, fathers, sons, aunts & uncles, just trying to come here to flee the escalating violence and crimes in their own country. They are trying to make a better place for themselves and their families.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Should Trump be Impeached?

It takes a great leader to be President of the United States. Trump is not that leader. A president should be someone that the people look upon with pride, trust, and assurance. Assurance that he is making good decisions for all the people of America. Not just his interest groups or million-dollar supporters of his campaign. However, this is not the case with Trump. Trump is fueling the hatred and violence in America. Many hate crimes have risen during his administration. He is a self-centered individual that doesn’t deserve to be president. For example, Beto O’Rourke says El Paso visit shows Trump is ‘sick’ and ‘unfit’ for presidency in the aftermath of the El Paso mass shooting which Trump was more concerned with the size of his political rallies. Instead of consoling people, strategically offering assistance, and helping with the cost of burials for the victim’s families. Trump was more worried about the number of people showing up for his rallies. He doesn’t deserve to have President before his name. He certainly doesn’t deserve my time writing about him. I am saddened that Beto O’Rourke is no longer a 2020 Presidential candidate. But I am optimistic that there are still some good Democratic candidates holding on.
Trump should have been impeached a long time ago. The fact that Trump had salacious investigations of sexual misconduct and FBI Investigations of his dealings with Russia and the 2016 election controversy should have been grounds for impeachment a long time ago. Many Trump administration officials and former Trump officials have been indicted, convicted, and imprisoned. But not Trump. He is still in office tweeting to the GOP fans. However, impeachment proceedings are underway. We can contribute the slow pace of Trump’s impeachment to the legal system. People are using fear and anonymity for the basis of their laxity. We all know that Trump should’ve been out of office a long time ago. But people are afraid of the billionaire’s power and wealth. They are afraid to be characterized as the “whistleblower”. They fear the wrath of Trump. He doesn’t capitulate well to anyone in his realm speaking against him. An artist was fired after viral Trump cartoon. The story suggest that the cartoonist, Michael de Adder was not fired by the insensitive cartoon drawing. But instead, that the accusation was a “False narrative”, and Adder was let go because they decided to bring back a reader favorite. But we all can pretty well guess that the executives of the Twitter-based, Brunswick News, Inc. received a phone call from Trump demanding Adder’s release or else. Like something along the lines of (He would buy the entire company and fire them all.)
America sees how Trump manipulates the system, people, and does not follow the rules of law. They see all his lies, misconduct cases piling up against him. This is not the behavior of a leader, this is behavior of someone with a malicious mind that if he keeps on, could lead us to War!
The writing of Trump has increased the pounding effect on my head, my eyes, my nerves, and slivering down my neck into the tip of my fingers. The subject matter no longer deserves entertainment of my time. I close by reiterating, the fact that we all must get out and vote in the 2020 election. Not only does Trump need to be impeached, but he needs to be out of the political scene altogether and banned from Twitter for his ridiculous idiosyncrasies! Democrats are sticking together, and are no longer sitting by inaudibly. We need to get Trump out of office, so we can make America great again.

2019 August 11  

Friday, November 1, 2019

Part 2: Are we settling for a flawed justice system?

The justice system in the U.S. is not a system of justice. It is a system of biased, discriminating, and prejudice people of power. It is in our ideology that we believe the justice system is fair. If someone commits a crime, they’re arrested, sentenced, and put in jail. This is justice, and this is what we are taught at a very young age about the system. The police are supposed to protect and serve the people. However, what we are seeing today is not justice. We are seeing more and more police shoot to kill. It is not justice, its murder and our system is flawed because it keeps allowing these senseless acts. Judges are tainted and like the president do exactly what they want. Especially if they’re given hush money to look the other way, overrule a point, or ignore evidence brought to their attention. We should feel comfortable and proud of our justice system but instead, we are very fearful and skeptical. Those feelings come from evidence of brutality in our neighborhoods, and shadiness in the courtroom.

We live in the United States and are settling for a system full of corrupt, heartless, criminals in black robes, with badges, and fancy lawyers. There are also the rich who can afford to pay off the judge or silence the prosecuting attorney. This will allow their murderous children freedom from prison. But the young boy that’s caught with marijuana in his pocket is sentenced to 10 years in prison. The system is flawed when the judge and prosecuting attorneys in many cases are corrupt. There have been numerous cases where the prosecuting attorney withheld evidence that could exonerate a person. In the case of Julie Rea Harper, The End on October 13, 1997, Julie’s 10-year old son was stabbed to death while sleeping in their home in Lawrenceville, IL. In 2002, Julie Rea Harper was convicted of capital murder and sentenced to 65 years in prison. After a serial killer who murdered several children, confessed to Harper's son's murder and after spending nine years in prison she was exonerated. This is also after the prosecuting attorney withheld exculpatory evidence and relied on false testimony from several deputies during the trial. I couldn’t imagine the pain Jane Rea Harper endured while sitting in prison looking at the walls, with images of terror zooming in and out of the cracks. She not only was grieving her son she was also grieving her innocence and freedom.

In the 1991 case of Todd Willingham, he was sentenced to the death penalty for the fire and death of his three young children. However, new evidence from a fire science expert Dr. Craig Beyer, hired by the Texas Forensic Science Commission proved the fire as an accident. Beyer stated that Willingham did not set the fire and ruled it an accident. However, former Governor Rick Perry was running for re-election and did not want to lose votes. Perry refused to delay Todd Willingham’s execution and Willingham was put to death by lethal injection on February 17, 2004. Perry basically states that Willingham was a bad person and deserved to die. Perry along with the townspeople and local fire investigators overlooked the law and evidence and executed a man based on their opinion of him and his reputation. He did deserve to be punished for being a wife-beater but he did not deserve to be put to death for a fire and the death of his young children. Something he protested from the very beginning and went to his grave with.

It is cases like these, and many more even active cases today see List of Wrongful Convictions in the United States that individuals are convicted of heinous crimes and sentenced to many years in prison or sentenced to the death penalty. But later could be exonerated due to new DNA evidence. But the system refuses to review the case, the judge looks the other way or the stay of execution is allowed to expire. These individuals end up spending many years of their lives, away from their families in prison. Time that they can never get back. However the prosecutors and judges and governor that obviously tampered or withheld evidence, only get a few days in jail, no jail time, or simply just fine. Corrupt police, judges, lawyers, politicians all of them need to be found guilty in the multiple cases out there where lives are destroyed because of fallacies in the judicial system. The disparities caused by these executives could be eliminated & avoided if they just do their job, and be ingenuous to those that are before them. But they are no longer credible and do not deserve to hold their position, wear the robe, badge, or title any longer. They are criminals and deserve to be treated as such. They deserve and need to be fired, sentenced to prison for flawing the justice system.  


Holland, Robert. Is the American Criminal Justice System Flawed 24 October 2018

Trump is Inconsiderate of his Own Wife.....

These two photos speak for themselves. But seriously, Trump could care less if his wife is protected from the rain, do you really think he cares about the American People?  We went from a caring loving president, husband, father, leader to a selfish, inconsiderate, egotistical Twitter addict.


Friday, October 18, 2019

Are we settling for a flawed justice system?

Lynn Smith interviews a young 21-year old African American male, Deandre Somerville in his home. Back in August of 2019 he was sworn in for jury duty but failed to show up the next day. In her story, Are we settling for a flawed justice system?  Lynn Smith interviews Deandre Somerville. He states he returned to court and went before Judge Kastrenakes and provided an explanation that he overslept and did not realize the severity of jury duty. The judge did not have sympathy for this young man, in fact, he sentenced him to 10 days in jail for missing jury duty. In other words, the judge was saying well you’ll learn today. You'll know the severity of this before I'm done with you. Lynn Smiths states that even after the judge hears that the young man had never been arrested. He still sentences him to 10 days in jail. Also, after knowing that Deandre was working and taking care of his disabled grandfather, the judge depicts a harsh sentencing. This is an example of the judge using his power to do what he wants. In this instance, he utilized his authority to sentence this young man to a harsh unnecessary sentence. He wanted Somerville to know and feel the consequences of not showing up to court after being sworn in. Senator Bobby Powell stated, “Judge Kastrenakes acted in an unprecedented manner to unfairly punish one individual for a minor transgression, singling him out as an example solely because of his race.” The boy is an example of what a lot of youth should be doing, instead of out getting into mischief, gangs, violence, drugs. But the judge did not look at him that way. He saw the color of his skin and enacted on that prejudice. 

Lynn Smith points out the disparities in this courtroom. The Judge Kastrenakes felt he had to set an example with young Deandre Somerville. He wanted to prove a point and that was, if you don’t show up to his court you will be punished to the fullest extinct of the law. Lynn Smith points out that other youth in other more serious cases have received a lesser punishment. They have killed people and have gotten just a slap on the wrist and no jail time. For instance Zoe Reardon, the teenager that killed 3 people, including a mother and her 3-month old baby. Reardon claimed she wasn’t on her phone but phone records show she was on her phone a few minutes before the crash. In another case, Ethan Couch, the teenager that was driving drunk on a suspended license, and lost control of his speeding car and killed four people paralyzing another. His defense was he was too rich to know better. What Judge actually buys into that ridiculousness and doesn’t sentence this teen to many years in prison for killing four people and permanently paralyzing another. This is clearly an example of how judges utilize their power. These families are outraged as I would be as well. The Judge was probably given a large campaign donation from this wealthy family, a duffle bag full of cash, because their son didn’t know better. The outcome of these cases drew harsh criticism as the public pointed out the glaring similarity: all the above-mentioned cases the youth were white.

Lynn Smith and onlookers question this Judge and the justice system, and I agree with them. Would he have done this if Somerville wasn’t a young black man? If 10 days in jail is such an important lesson on why not to oversleep for jury duty, then what is the lesson for the lives lost to these careless teens? Only after Judge Kastrenakes received such bad publicity and criticism at his outrageous decision, did he decide to drop Somerville’s probation and clear his record.  Racism is still present today in the courtroom, in the justice system, in the police departments. The questions is “Are we settling for a flawed judicial system? We as citizens should not have to settle for this, but indeed we are. If you don’t have the cash to pay off the crooked crooks in the dark robes, then we have to settle. But fight to settle, which means Speak Up and Speak Out about the disparities that are in these courtrooms, police departments, all around the systems and justice will eventually prevail for All the People.

Smith, Lynn. “Are we settling for a flawed judicial system?  18 October 2019  

Friday, October 4, 2019

Touching Moments in a courtroom can't change the fact that Botham Jean didn't deserve to die!

The actions of a young man show America that there is compassion for murder. Amber Guyger former Dallas police officer who shot and killed an unarmed black man in his own apartment was found guilty of murder. The guilty verdict was a historic moment to many individuals. However, for Botham Jean’s brother, Brandt Jean it was a moment of forgiveness. Brandt Jean surprisingly gave Amber Guyger a hug and told her that he loves her as a person. These actions of an 18-year old brought tears to so many in the courtroom. It shows that there is still forgiveness and compassion in the world. Despite the horrific actions of this police officer shooting and killing his brother, Brandt forgives her. Which is very commendable. It also shows that “Touching moments in a courtroom can’t change the fact that Botham Jean didn’t deserve to die”, as the author of this headline Nana E. Mumford reminds us

There are many others, myself included, feel that the guilty verdict is an outcome that needs to happen more than once since the 1970s. According to Dallas Morning News, this guilty verdict is the first that has happened to a Dallas Police Officer since 1973. This is ridiculous considering the number of blacks killed by police officers on a daily basis. It’s happening headline after headline, story after story, not to mention those stories that are not even reaching the news. Nana Mumford demonstrates in her article how apprehensive we were regarding Guyger’s conviction and sentencing. It was feared that Guyger would not get convicted and be able to avoid responsibility of her stupid, senseless, careless actions. Mumford thoughts as well as America’s facts show that officers across the country rarely are held responsible for killing black men. It was believed that an acquittal would surely follow, and once again confirm that black lives are valued less than others. It makes me so angry and breaks my heart to read and hear the headlines of another black man being shot and killed. I fear every day for my young son and pray that nothing ever happens to him. It is parents' and families worst nightmare to have to bury a child and love one and especially against the very person that gave the oath to protect and serve.
I agree with Mumford and feel that often in these cases we search for clarity on what lessons can be learned. We look at some fact that can validate our world view. Mumford quoted Guyger’s attorney, Toby Shook who said, “This is so unique, you’ll never see this again in the history of the United States. Mumford disagrees as well as myself. I feel that until police officers are held accountable in the system this will continue to happen. Police Officers are shooting first and asking questions later. They are murdering blacks daily and until they are held accountable and punished it will continue. If a police officer shoots and kills an unarmed person they deserve to spend the rest of their life in jail. This action will teach them that we will no longer tolerate Murdering with Badge. As Mumford says, Touching moments in a courtroom can’t change the fact that Botham Jean did not deserve to die.
I also, feel that Guyger should have received a harsher sentencing than ten years. She deserved to go to prison for the rest of her life in my opinion. The fact that she was quoted as making racist remarks on Facebook and Twitter and her co-officers deleting incriminating texts that prove her actions right after the shooting. She did not show remorse, she was bragging and posting pictures praising her actions. If I were on the jury I would not have been lenient on her at all. She deserved the full 99 years in prison for murdering Botham Jean.

Mumford, Nana. “Touching moments in a courtroom can’t change the fact that Botham Jean                                  
didn’t deserve to die.”  Washington Post  3 October 2019

Friday, September 27, 2019

Does it matter that the modern American public is not all that politically knowledgeable or sophisticated?

The American public is not all that politically knowledgeable or sophisticated, but participation really matters. Lives can change and goals can be achieved through civic engagement. One of the easiest ways to engage with the government as an individual is to vote. Our votes do matter. If it didn’t, they would not have refused it to so many African American men & women, & underage youth years ago. It is our civic duty to get out and vote and become engaged in our community and our nation. Our participation in government matters. They need us. They cannot function without our participation, without our vote. Voting can change who has leadership over this country. We can make that happen by getting out and voting.

It absolutely matters that Americans are not all that political, because this is reflected in the outcomes at the polls (and dishonest people in government). It is reflected in the attitudes of our youth today. They feel irrelevant. It is very important that we teach our youth to be politically knowledgeable. We need to teach our youth that they have a duty to be politically involved in government. However, we all need to be more engaged. We can become involved and more politically knowledgeable by engaging in fundraising efforts, handing out bumper stickers and campaign buttons, helping people register to vote, and driving voters to the polls on Election Day. We can join interest groups and promote the issues that we are interested in.

Many individuals do not get involved or are not interest in politics and government because they find it uninteresting, don’t feel it matter, and feel the government will do what they want anyway.  However, if people ban together and deliberate on the issues that are haunting America today our future is optimistic. Deliberative polling is a process of public consultation in which scientific samples are polled both before and after they have had a chance to seriously deliberate about the issues. This process was developed by James Fishkin in 1988. If people are put together and deliberate the issues the results are positive. The results are favorable with majority rule, agreement, change, and implementation of the issues. Future elections can be favorable for the American people and not for the rich man in the White House that does and says whatever he wants without a single ounce of remorse For the People. 

Friday, September 20, 2019

Kidnap and Torture on the U.S. Border

Migrant workers are leaving Mexico to try to make a better life for themselves and their families. However, they are not reaching their destinations because they are being targeted by criminals. Many migrant workers are being kidnapped, tortured and even murdered. The U.S. Border patrol reports that it has intercepted 800,000 migrants and asylum seekers at the U.S. Mexico border so far this 2019 fiscal year.
Many migrant workers and asylum seekers are fleeing to the borders for safety only to be in worse situations than they imagined. They travel for miles and miles and are faced with being extorted by smugglers and kidnapped. They are fleeing to make a better life for their families and remove themselves from the violence and murders in their own country. But find that they are faced with their own nightmares as they flee the roads and journey to forbidden territory. The territory that they are not even wanted in, but they still try to reach asylum.
Thousands of people are stuck on the Mexican side of the US border after changes in policy have made it more difficult for asylum seekers to enter the US.
The Trump administration says these policies are working to stop migration on its southern border and that Mexico is responsible for their safety. But these policies could be putting thousands of people in direct danger.


Sunday, September 1, 2019

Friday, August 30, 2019

The Potential is Within, Engage.

To make yourself more than you are is the key to future success and the                                        American Dream. No one will do it for you, so don't depend on others.                                            Depend on yourself and Get it Done! Inside you, there is Potential ..... Engage!
We the People, must get out and vote for America's future.