Thursday, November 14, 2019

Trump Lies

In response to JihanBack (GiGi’s) commentary of “Trump Lies” I totally agree with you that the real issue is Demographic changes! Statistically, the Hispanic population will overrule this country’s population in the near future. Census Bureau’s projections show that the Hispanic population is expected to grow by 86% between 2015 and 2050. These statistics terrifies those in political power because they do not want to lose their supremacy. Trump’s comments that a wall on the Mexico Border is necessary to stop “Drugs, Human Trafficking, Gang Members & Criminals are exaggerated and lies. He, along with other single-minded individuals feel that all the immigrants that come here are of one or more of the aforementioned criminal stereotypes. Whereas, in actuality only a small percentage are criminals. The majority are women, children, fathers, sons, aunts & uncles, just trying to come here to flee the escalating violence and crimes in their own country. They are trying to make a better place for themselves and their families.

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