Friday, September 27, 2019

Does it matter that the modern American public is not all that politically knowledgeable or sophisticated?

The American public is not all that politically knowledgeable or sophisticated, but participation really matters. Lives can change and goals can be achieved through civic engagement. One of the easiest ways to engage with the government as an individual is to vote. Our votes do matter. If it didn’t, they would not have refused it to so many African American men & women, & underage youth years ago. It is our civic duty to get out and vote and become engaged in our community and our nation. Our participation in government matters. They need us. They cannot function without our participation, without our vote. Voting can change who has leadership over this country. We can make that happen by getting out and voting.

It absolutely matters that Americans are not all that political, because this is reflected in the outcomes at the polls (and dishonest people in government). It is reflected in the attitudes of our youth today. They feel irrelevant. It is very important that we teach our youth to be politically knowledgeable. We need to teach our youth that they have a duty to be politically involved in government. However, we all need to be more engaged. We can become involved and more politically knowledgeable by engaging in fundraising efforts, handing out bumper stickers and campaign buttons, helping people register to vote, and driving voters to the polls on Election Day. We can join interest groups and promote the issues that we are interested in.

Many individuals do not get involved or are not interest in politics and government because they find it uninteresting, don’t feel it matter, and feel the government will do what they want anyway.  However, if people ban together and deliberate on the issues that are haunting America today our future is optimistic. Deliberative polling is a process of public consultation in which scientific samples are polled both before and after they have had a chance to seriously deliberate about the issues. This process was developed by James Fishkin in 1988. If people are put together and deliberate the issues the results are positive. The results are favorable with majority rule, agreement, change, and implementation of the issues. Future elections can be favorable for the American people and not for the rich man in the White House that does and says whatever he wants without a single ounce of remorse For the People. 

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